
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Megan Smolenyak's New Book, Website, and YouTube Channel

We interviewed the "Indiana Jones of Genealogy," Megan Smolenyak, for this genealogy blog in a two-part post, ‘Connecting Across Oceans and Time’: Q&A With Celebrity Genealogist Megan Smolenyak .

In another post, with Megan's permission, we reprinted her story from the Huffington Post,  How Megan Traced Barack Obama's Irish Family History to Ireland.

We mentioned then her new book, Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing, and, in a special edition of her Honoring Our Ancestors Newsletter she announced not only her latest book release on January 31,  but the launch of her new website and a new YouTube Channel.

This great video gives some indication of the diverse talents and enterprising approaches Megan employs in her pursuit of genealogy, which includes DNA testing, historical research and her work identifying the unidentified dead.  It also conveys the immensity of her passion for this emotional science, which some still call a 'hobby.' Her generosity in sharing her passion increases every year. Megan continues to inspire and dazzle us here at's Family History Channel.

Congrats on the new book, Megan!

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